
For event calendars, volunteer lists, and regular updates, please join our weekly email blast.


If you are attending the Wednesday Night Supper, please check the number of meals in the attendance book. The meal for February 12th is -   Fried chicken tenders, rice and gravy, butterbeans and rolls. The meal is $8 for adults and $4.50 for children.

The flowers this morning are given by Roger Kinard in loving memory of his wife, Betty for her Feb 8th birthday and in honor of all church family February birthdays.

It started 37 years ago with a prayer...."Lord, as we enjoy watching the Super Bowl today, may we be mindful of those without a bowl of soup to eat."     Over the past 37 years over 200 million dollars has been collected across America for local food pantries and soup kitchens.  Today you will have the opportunity to donate as you leave the service.   We will have a soup pot located in the narthex.  100 % of what our church collects will go to God's Helping Hands.  We will report our collection to Souper Bowl of Caring so that we can join churches across the country in making a difference in our local community.

Items needed for God’s Helping Hands:  Cooking oil (no olive oil), Jiffy Mix, Spaghetti Sauce, Juice, Flour, Jello, Pudding, Dry Milk, Crackers, Cookies, Sugar, Mixed Veggies, Ramen noodles.

On February 16th there will be a Finance Meeting at 4 pm and a Council Meeting at 5 pm in Room 104.

Worship Service for February 9 , 2025

Service of Worship

Platt Springs United Methodist Church

West Columbia, SC

February 9, 2025 – 11 A.M.

5th Sunday after Epiphany

Welcome and Announcements                                                          Marguerite Sterling

*Please stand as the light of Christ is brought forward

*Choral Introit                          “Sing Alleluia to the Lord”                                   Choir  

* Call to Worship                                                                               Marguerite Sterling

L. Beloved, the Savior calls to you. Will you follow?

P. God, help us leave everything and follow.

L. Christ’s call persists through the clouds of doubt, fear, and worry that descend on our path. Will you follow?

P. God, help us leave everything and follow.

L. Jesus calls us to shift our priorities, to leave behind the baggage of prejudice and the grasping for position so we can truly love God and our neighbors well. Will you follow?

P. God, help us leave everything and follow.

L. Beloved, receive this good news: you are not alone! Today we answer Christ’s call together!

P. God, help us leave everything and follow your path of Love everywhere we go! Amen.

*Hymn                                 “Holy, Holy, Holy”                                              UMH #64        

estament                        Isaiah 6:1-8 (CEB)                                     Renee Layson

Pastoral Prayer   (Followed by the Lord’s Prayer)

Young Disciples                                                                                         Pastor Debbie

*Affirmation of Faith             “The Apostles Creed”                                   UMH #881                                  

*Gloria Patri                               “Glory Be To the Father”                                                 # 71              

Worshipping God with Our Tithes & Offering.

Offertory:                              “Rest in the Lord”                               McKenzie Ouzts

*Doxology                        “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”              # 95    

Epistle Reading                             I Corinthians 15: 1-11  (CEB)                

Sermon                                          “I Am What I Am”                            Pastor Debbie

*Closing Hymn                       “Jesus Calls Us”       vs. 1-4                       UMH # 398                

*Benediction: As you go into the coming days, remember:

You do not go alone. God’s faithful love goes with you. No matter what you are facing, God will not abandon you. For You belong to Him, and He will fulfill His plans for your life. So go from here, strong in the knowledge that God’s loving presence goes with you. Amen

*Postlude (* We invite you to stand and participate when able)

Prayer List February 9, 2025


Rick and Deree Stobaugh

Joan and David Brantley

JC Hyatt

Buck and Peggy Jones

Elaine and James Ward

Vince Rhodes

Deborah Horton

Walter Shumpert

Jessie and Bob Sargent

Lorine Crapps

Flo Johnson

Carol Crowninshield

Betty Rogers

Nursing Homes/Assisted Living

Lorine Crapps

Paul Mullins, Debbie Summer’s uncle

Bob and Jessie Sargent

Carol Crowninshield

Lucy Eden

Helen Tarbox


Ashley Steele

Timothy White, Roger Kinard’s great nephew

Phil Dennis, Lavonne Roof’s brother

Lauren Goodenough, friend of Laura Hooper

Vanessa Ready, Carole Eubanks granddaughter

Vernon Cunningham, Sandy Cobia’s brother

Jon Hoffmeyer, friend of Sylvia Allison

Margie Horton, friend of Melody and Terry Clamp

Ethan Reynolds, Sylvia Allison’s great-grandson

Dale Golightly, friend of Ray Wood

Kay Pearson, friend of Jamie Guffey

Joe Randazzo, CJ Baker’s uncle

Jack Williams, friend of Laura Hooper

Student of Laura Hooper

Tanya Harrsion

Cheryl Ashley, Bob and Jessie Sargent’s daughter

Linda Kelly, friend of Kay Rishkofski


Susan Revels, Delane Reynolds’ and

Sylvia Allison’s niece

Danny Lane, friend of Laura Hooper

Lynda Bull, friend of Laura Hooper

Carole Eubanks

Lisa Cartin, niece of Marie and Michael Thompson

Kathleen Ploof

Brenda Ettari


Parker Albrecht, Navy

Connor Crouch, Army

Zach Timmons, Marine Reserve

Steven Apgar, Army

Marshall Hannon, Navy

Donovan O’Dea, Army

Micah Floyd

To keep in contact with everyone on our prayer list we're going to clean the names that have been here for several weeks. If your name, or a loved one's name, has been listed here for three weeks, make sure to give Melody at (803)794-3415 a call so we'll keep them listed.

PSUMC: A Great Place to Be.

Phone: 803-794-3415


3215 Platt Springs Road, West Columbia, SC 29170

Office Hours: Mon-Thur 9:00am to 1:00pm

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