For event calendars, volunteer lists, and regular updates, please join our weekly email blast.
Please sign the red attendance register located in each pew. Please put full name and date. If you are a visitor, please list your contact information on the sheet.
If you are attending the Wednesday Night Supper, please check the number of meals in the attendance book. The meal for September 18th Baked ziti, salad and garlic toast.. Meals are $8 for adults and $4.50 for children. The meal is at 5:30 pm in FSH.
The flowers are given in loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Fallaw Sr. for what would have been their 74th wedding anniversary by Linda Lamb and Audrey Gardner
There will be a called Finance Meeting followed by a Church Council Meeting immediately following the Worship Service today.
No Bible Study on Wednesday, September 18th (AED Presentation)
Bible Study on Thursday, September 19th at 10 am.
Platt Springs UMC Flu Clinic – Wednesday, September 25th in FSH from 11 am to 1 pm, then 5 pm to 6 pm. Please see insert in bulletin.
The Charge Conference will be at 7 pm on September 26th in the Sanctuary.
On September 18th, Stanley Leaks (BLS Specialist, Academic Coordinator- Midlands, AHA Training Center Coordinator) will offer us an overview of the AED (Automated External Defibrillator) and discussion on how it works. He will have ours and discuss everything about it. He will allow time for questions and answers. He will bring some AED trainers and allow you to put the pads on the manikin and each other. The trainers do not deliver a shock. This will be held after the Wednesday night meal.
September is Killingsworth Home Special Emphasis Month. One of many missions the United Women In Faith support. We ask that the congregation prayerfully consider helping us provide these needed items: personal hygiene items, rolls of quarters to use for doing laundry, personal hygiene items, all types of paper goods, copy paper and postage stamps. A basket will be placed in Mission Corner for donations. Thank you.
The following items are needed for God’s Helping Hands: Sugar, Hot Dog Chili, Canned Tuna, or Chicken, Small (2lb) Rice, Small dry beans, self-rising flour, grits, and jelly.
Service of Worship
Platt Springs United Methodist Church
West Columbia, SC
September 15, 2024 – 11 A.M.
17th Sunday after Pentecost
Welcome and Announcements Marguerite Sterling
*Please stand as Everly Guffey brings in the light of Christ
*Choral Introit “Bind Us Together” Choir
* Call to Worship Marguerite Sterling
L: The heavens shout of God’s glory!
P: There is so much beauty in this earth and in the heavens!
L: Day by day we are reminded of God’s creative love.
P: Day by day we are blessed with large and small visions of God’s glory.
L: Come, let us praise the God of creation.
P: Let us sing and shout our praises of thanksgiving and joy to God. AMEN.
*Hymn “Take Up Thy Cross” UMH # 415
Psalm 19: 1-6 Julia Guffey
Pastoral Prayer (followed by the Lord’s Prayer)
Young Disciples
* Affirmation of Faith UMH #881
*Gloria Patri “Glory Be To the Father” # 70
Worshipping God with Our Tithes & Offering.
Offertory: “Into My Heart” #2160
*Doxology Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” # 95
*Gospel Reading Mark 8: 27-38
Sermon “Who Is He?”
*Closing Hymn “A Charge to Keep I Have” UMH # 413
*Benediction: Go in peace and know that God walks with you on this journey. Bring the good news of Christ’s healing love to all whom you meet. AMEN.
Please pray for all of our healthcare workers and first
responders and everyone who has been affected by COVID-19.
Rick and Deree Stobaugh
David Brantley
JC Hyatt
Buck and Peggy Jones
Frank Basnett
Joan Brantley
Stan Weston
Mary Ann Nielson
David Busby
Bernadette Weston
Coretta Safriet
Grace Harper
Helen Tarbox
Nursing Homes/Assisted Living
Lorine Crapps
Paul Mullins, Debbie Summers uncle
Bob and Jessie Sargent
Carol Crowninshield
Lucy Eden
Ashley Steele
Kelley Edwards, friend of Sandy Cobia
Timothy White, Roger Kinard’s great nephew
Phil Dennis, Lavonne Roof’s brother
Lauren Goodenough, friend of Laura Hooper
Vanessa Ready, Carole Eubanks granddaughter
Vernon Cunningham, Sandy Cobia’s brother
Danny Lane, friend of Laura Hooper
Lynda Bull, friend of Laura Hooper
Barbara Gardner, Audrey Gardner’s mother-in-law
Carol and Larry Dodds, friend of Linda Lamb
Samantha, Wanda Young’s daughter
Chandler Clark, Wanda Young’s grandson
Andrina Eaton, Wanda Young’s niece
Praise Reports
Pat Johnson, Flo Johnson’s sister-in-law
Robbie Boyd and family, Sarah Shuler’s uncle
Sharon Grecu
Marie Thompson
Susan Revels, Delane Reynolds’ niece
Parker Albrecht, Navy
Connor Crouch, Army
Zach Timmons, Marine Reserve
Steven Apgar, Army
Marshall Hannon, Navy
To keep in contact with everyone on our prayer list we're going to clean the names that have been here for several weeks. If your name, or a loved one's name, has been listed here for three weeks, make sure to give Melody at (803)794-3415 or Grace Harper (803) 796-8166 a call so we'll keep them listed.
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