
For event calendars, volunteer lists, and regular updates, please join our weekly email blast.


Please welcome to the pulpit today, David Busby. David provides years of leadership and speaking experience.  Thank you David for your willingness to serve.

Please sign the red attendance register located in each pew. Please put full name and date. If you are a visitor, please list your contact information on the sheet.

The flowers this morning are given by Jon and Jamie Guffey in honor of their 19th wedding anniversary on  July 30th.

VBS Changes

2024 VBS has been rescheduled and revised. All children present on Sundays August 4th and 11th are invited to participate in Bible School during worship (11am-12pm) in the children's classrooms. We will be swimming through the Great Bible Reef, learning about trusting God & loving one another, through games, crafts, and Bible stories.

Calling all handbell ringers…the music ministry is looking for people who would like to participate playing handbells during the advent season.   If you have played in the past or have no experience playing but would love to give it a try, please speak with Janet Hopkins.  Come join us as we prepare beautiful music!  Stay tuned for rehearsal times.  We look forward to seeing you soon.

Life Line Screening will be at PSUMC on August 19th in the FSH. Please see insert with instructions to sign up.

The ice cream social will be on August 11th in the Fellowship Hall from 3 pm until 4:30 pm. Ice Cream will be provided.  Bring your favorite flavor or toppings.

The 2nd Quarter Donation Statements have been printed.  If you requested a quarterly  or twice yearly statement they are located in the Narthex.  If you have any questions please call the church office.

Question and Answer Session Sunday August 11, 2024, at 4:30PM with Rev. David Anderson regarding the changes that will be made in the United Methodist Book of Discipline due to the decision made at General Conference this year. Rev. Anderson requests your questions in advance so please send to or write out your question and give to Pastor Debbie by August 4, 2024. Thank you, any questions please contact Pastor Debbie at 803-794-3415.

The following items are needed for God’s Helping Hands:  Sugar, Hot Dog Chili, Canned Tuna, or Chicken, Small (2lb) Rice, Small dry beans, self-rising flour, grits, and jelly.

There will be a Finance Meeting on August 4 at 4 pm and a Council Meeting at 5 pm.

Worship Service for July 28 , 2024

Service of Worship

Platt Springs United Methodist Church

West Columbia, SC

July 28, 2024 – 11 A.M.

10th Sunday of Pentecost

Welcome and Announcements                        Marguerite Sterling                

*Please stand as Renee Layson brings in the light of Christ

*Choral Introit  “Humble Thyself in the Sight of the Lord” Choir

*Call to Worship                                               Marguerite Sterling

L: God’s mercy floods over us.

P: Lord, wash me clean of the pain in my life.

L: God’s love pours into us.

P: Lord, pour your love into every pore of my being.

L: Let the love and mercy of God reign in your heart today.

P: Be with me, Lord, and guide my life. AMEN.

*Hymn               “Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee”    UMH # 175

Epistle Reading              Ephesians 3: 14-21        Brenda Gentzler

Pastoral Prayer     (followed by the Lord’s Prayer)

Young Disciples                                                 Rev. Noble Miller

* Affirmation of Faith                                                  UMH #881

*Gloria Patri            “Glory Be To the Father”                       # 70                                  

Worshipping God with Our Tithes & Offering.

Offertory:   “What Does the Lord Require of You?”            Choir

*Doxology   Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”     # 95                    

Old Testament Reading      Jeremiah 31: 31-34                            

Message                         “Moving Day”                          David Busby

*Closing Hymn         “How Great Thou Art”                    UMH  #77    

*Benediction: The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Amen


Prayer List July 28, 2024

Please pray for all of our healthcare workers and first

responders and everyone who has been affected by COVID-19.


Rick and Deree Stobaugh

David Brantley

JC Hyatt

Buck Jones

Frank Basnett

Marie Thompson

Joan Brantley

Brenda Ettari

Stan Weston

Sharon Grecu

Walter Shumpert

Nursing Homes/Assisted Living

Lorine Crapps

Paul Mullins, Debbie Summers uncle

Bob and Jessie Sargent

Carol Crowninshield

Lucy Eden


Ashley Steele

Larry Long, father of Linda Lamb’s daughter-in-law

Kelley Edwards, friend of Sandy Cobia

Audrey and Brian Gardner

Timothy White, Roger Kinard’s great nephew

Phil Dennis, Lavonne Roof’s brother

Lauren Goodenough, friend of Laura Hooper

Curtis Clamp

Vanessa Ready, Carole Eubank’s granddaughter

Maryanne Lewonka friend of Bernadette Weston

Vernon Cunningham, Sandy Cobia’s brother

Kaye Caneup friend of Butch Gause

Sam Doyle, friend of Butch Gause

Layla McMillon, Marie Thompson’s friend’s daughter

Danny Lane, friend of Laura Hooper

Micah Garrison, friend of Flora Jones family

Lynda Bull, friend of Laura Hooper

Becky, Celia Perez’s sister

Praise Reports      

Dana Hooper Herring

Pat Johnson, Flo Johnson’s sister-in-law

Susan Revels, Delane Reynolds’ niece

Robbie Boyd and family, Sarah Shuler’s uncle


Parker Albrecht, Navy

Connor Crouch, Army

Zach Timmons, Marine Reserve

Steven Apgar, Army

Marshall Hannon, Navy


To keep in contact with everyone on our prayer list we're going to clean the names that have been here for several weeks. If your name, or a loved one's name, has been listed here for three weeks, make sure to give Melody at (803)794-3415 or Grace Harper (803) 796-8166 a call so we'll keep them listed .

PSUMC: A Great Place to Be.

Phone: 803-794-3415


3215 Platt Springs Road, West Columbia, SC 29170

Office Hours: Mon-Thur 9:00am to 1:00pm

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